1. Create and
administer users, each with a login and password 2. Create and administer user
groups 3. Assign permissions to a
user over different types of objects, such as: - Pages - Sections - Other content objects
(e.g., products, product lines, foto albums, etc.) - A whole module - The whole site 4. Different permission levels:
- Reading
- Editing
- Publication 5. Users must login to acces
content with restricted reading permissions.
1. Create and
modify the site’s pages through intuitive WYSIWYG editors. 2. Create and modify sections,
or groups of pages. 3. Assign reading, editing
and publication permissions to the different pages and sections
of the site.
1. Modify the
site’s menú items. 2. Various different types
of menu items: - Internal links, to another content object in the
- External links, to pages on other sites.
- Submenus 3. Can have different menus
in different sections of the site. 4. Menu implemented in both
Flash and HTML
1. Create various
contact forms. 2. Specify the email address
where filled contact forms should be submitted. 3. Keep contact info of those
who fill a contact form in the database. 4. Organize contacts into groups. 5. Send email to entire contact
groups. 6. Export contacts to Excel.
1. Display all
of the company’s products on the web site. 2. Store detailed information
about each product, such as name, ID, description and price. 3. Organize products into categories
and subcategories. 4. Create special fields for
each line. For example, for the Computers categorie you can
specify the field Velocity in GHz and all the productos in
that line will have that additional field. 5. Assign editing permisions
to a user over a given product category.
1. Create various
foto collections each with a name and description. 2. Add and delete fotos from
a collection. 3. Put a comment on each foto. 4. Assign permissions to a
user over specific collections
or over the whole module.
1. Maintain
a database with all scheduled events. 2. Create event categories. 3. Search for events by category,
date or name. 4. Friendly calendar interface
to search for events by date. 5. Designate special events. 6. Create inactive events which
won’t appear on the site
till they are activated. 7. Assing permissions to a
user over an event category.
1. Create questionnaires
with four types of questions: - Multiple choice
- Open
- Combined (multiple choice with an open “other”
- Checkbox 2. Create polls with a single
multiple choice question. 3. See individual responses
or total percentages for each poll. 4. Export responses to Excel.
1. Maintain
an updated directory of all employees, with each employee’s
contact information. 2. Know who each employee’s
boss is. 3. Display the organization’s
organization chart in a user-friendly collapsible tree interface. 4. Assign a job title to each
employee and keep a function manual for each job title. 5. Create areas and group employees
into areas. 6. Easily send emails to some
or all employees.
1. Publish a
state entity’s contracts available for bidding or direct
award. 2. Change a bid process’
state. 3. Allow proponents to download
terms. 4. Recieve proposals. 5. Recieve comments. 6. Comply with Stage 3 of Colombia’s
Presidential Directive 02 of 2000 for online government, and
with Law 80 of 2003.
1. Send fixed-template
email newsletters to contact groups
(see Contacts module) 2.Each newsletter is componed
of article summaries with links to articles on the portal.
3.Analyze access statistics
to each article referred to in the newsletter. 4.Program the newsletter’s
send time.