Azúcar CMS Installation Instructions


- Apache 1.3.31 or higher
- PHP 4.3.8 or higher
- PostgreSQL 7.4.3 or higher
- Browser
- PEAR with the following packages and minimum versions:

Package Version State
Archive_Tar 1.2 stable
Auth 1.2.3 stable
Auth_HTTP 2.0 stable
Config 1.10.3 stable
Console_Getopt 1.2 stable
DB 1.6.8 stable
DB_DataObject 1.7.2 stable
DB_Pager 0.7 stable
Date 1.4.3 stable
File 1.0.3 stable
File_HtAccess 1.1.0 stable
HTTP 1.3.3 stable
Log 1.8.7 stable
Mail 1.1.4 stable
Mail_Mime 1.2.1 stable
Mail_Queue 1.1.3 stable
Net_SMTP 1.2.6 stable
Net_Socket 1.0.5 stable
PEAR 1.3.4 stable
Pager 2.2.4 stable
PhpDocumentor 1.2.3 stable
XML_Parser 1.2.2 stable
XML_RPC 1.1.0 stable
XML_Util 1.1.1 stable

Automatic Install :

1. Obtain the latest version of Azucar CMS at

2. Decompress the archive

       gzip -d -c azucarcms.tar.gz | tar xvf -

3. This will create a directory called 'azucarcms'. Copy this directory to the root directory for your web server


       cp -R azucarcms catalog /usr/local/apache/htdocs/

4. Using your favorite browser, go to the following address:

       http://[your site]/azucarcms

And follow the instructions.


Manual Installation:

1. Get the latest version of Azucar CMS from

2. Create your database and user in PostgreSQL

        2.a. Make sure the database has pl/pgsql.

        2.b. Make sure the database has encoding=LATIN1.

3. Decompress the archive


4. This will create a directory 'azucarcms'. Copy the content of this directory to the root of your web server.

5. In the file configDB.php, at Azúcar's root directory, modify the following variables:

- NOMBRE_HOST : The site's URL (http://[your site])
- nombre_user : database user's login
- clave : database user's password
- nombre_bd : database name

6. import into the database the following two archives :

- createAll.sql
- dataAll.sql

This will create Azúcar's tables and initial data.

7. Using your favorite browser go to the following URL:

- http://[your site]/lib/DB/createTablesCMS.php

This wil create these two necesarry archives:

- config/[DB_name].ini
- config/[DB_name].links.ini

Then go to the following address:

- http://[your site]/generar_ini.php

8. You can now enter your site at:

- http://[your site]/admin/

The username / password is admin / admin.


more information? contact us